Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Looking for a hot date?

With working so much I know that many of my corporate co-horts just don't have the time to date lately.

One thing for sure - is they don't have time to waste on non-quality people!

JustSayHi is a free online dating service where you can meet other people and really connect! In a city as small as Ithaca - it's good to be able to look outside and know that there are other singles out there!

Not to mention, the other dating services charge mad amounts of money and that still doesn't guarantee that you will meet Mr. or Miss Right!

Monday, December 25, 2006

PS3s, Baby Alives, Elmo TMX, and Wiis!

Well, one thing I've learned from a business aspect is that I never want to do E-bay again!

Their fees are so damn expensive and it's just not worth it. Plus, between non-payers and broken merchandise through the mail services -- it's just a big pain in the ass for $20!!

The Baby Alives were a hit though -- and aside from all of the crap I had to deal with..they were the hottest item of the Christmas year!

I also got my hands on 3 PS3s at Wal-Mart. I put one up on Ebay and it didn't even sale! I think I put it up for $550 and that would have allowed me to break even. I didn't even have one bid! So I returned the 3 back to Wal-Mart for a full refund.

We ended up getting an Elmo TMX for Grammy and boy did she hate it! I looked on Ebay and they were going for less on Ebay than the stores!!!

Unbelieveable how hot and cold these items are! I realize it's all about supply and demand and when items are available at the store then there isn't such a high demand for them on E-Bay --- especially because people have to pay for shipping.

Saturday I got a call from Game Crazy that they had a Wii in stock. I just couldn't bring myself to posting it on Ebay -- even though it probably would have been the best money maker of the season! It's just such a pain in the ass!

Lesson learned --- I will not be doing Ebay next year. Making daily shipments to the postoffice, broken baby dolls, and non-paying customers do not get me in the "Holiday cheer!"

Monday, December 04, 2006


So, not only have I been stiffed by a non-payer on Ebay....but I got a nasty email from someone who purchased a Baby Alive doll and the damn doll must have broken via transport to Boston!

So, now I had to ship her out a new doll, pay for the shipping, and then I'm going to have to pay for the shipping of the broken doll back to NY.

Pain in the ass.

I don't think I'm going to do this next year unless I stumble across a major winner. Baby Alive itself does pretty good it's just the assholes who don't pay that make the Ebay process suck!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Goddamn Baby Alive.

So one of my Baby Alive dolls didn't sell last week. Another one someone purchased and then never returned email, and never paid for it.

Today I get a damn email that one of the dolls I sent out last week - the dolls eyes aren't blinking.

To say the least I'm pretty pissed about my bad fortune with E-Bay and I think the hassle just isn't worth the $20 I've made so far.

Not to mention - at this rate - I'm actually LOSING money!! How pathetic is that?!?!