Friday, September 28, 2007

Our house.

We have thought about moving for the past few years. With a new baby on the way it's pretty evident that the move will happen sooner than later because we really need more space.

Of course when looking for a new home we really want to make sure to find a good inspector. Home inspectors have to pass a home inspection exam in order to become licensed. offers a great guide so that you are able to pass the tests with flying colors. The prep software is easy to use and is sure to make the difference.

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Got the call.

Today I got a call from the discharge planner at the hospital. She wanted to know if I had any nurses or aides that might be able to help her out. It sounded like she had someone in the hospital that needed private care.

Unfortunately, I've decided not to do the care aspect because it's too much of a liability and very honestly the staffing was becoming a nightmare. I think when people pay around $20 an hour they don't understand that you can't really do care and it's more of a companion services.

I tried calling the social worker back but she had already left for the day.

I'm glad she remembered me!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I love your tat!

I remember being younger and skinnier and thinking that I might want a tattoo. Then over the year I saw cute people that got fat and their tattoos started sagging and losing their shape.

That of course made me decide against tattoos!

However, we have friends that have tattoos and are very fond of them. Some people even see it as a type of lifestyle. If you're looking for tattoo singles then I think you're probably going to enjoy the website is a special place for tattooed people and the people that love them to come together. Tattoo dating really makes sense when you think about it. Already you have formed a common bond and if it's as easy as hooking up online and looking for the perfect person and profiles -- then it makes a hard task much easier!

Trying to pace myself.

Today I have quite the honey do list! Margot dropped G off so I'm doing blogging this morning. Then I have to make some calls, take Murphy to the vet, get the oil changed in Margot's car and stop by the post office.

I seriously don't know how we ever did this when we were both working full time jobs! Of course, we didn't have a kid and we had a housekeeper.

Can I get a ride?

I used to love riding motorcycles. Of course, I was absolutely horrible at it and perhaps one of the biggest liabilities on the road!

We never really got into the scene because we didn't ride a whole lot and were still in school and didn't have a lot of time for socialization.

Now biker planet offers a great place bikers and non-bikers alike to meet up! If you're looking to find friends or perhaps your biking soulmate then you've got to check out the website!

It just makes sense to have a website that has a common interest. You know when searching through the profiles that everyone that has signed up has an interest in bikes or biking.

It's really a lifestyle and to have someone who understands and enjoys that could be half the battle in finding Mr. or Mrs. Right!

Biker dating has never been this easy and fun.

Paid the IRS.

Well, I just renewed my operating certificate for the U.S. Government. Basically it allows me to operate a business! It was a whopping $9.00 that of course I will write off towards business expenses.

I have no idea what in the hell I'm going to do with my taxes this year. It doesn't seem worth it to file seperate as a business when you don't bring in that much...but on the other hand I can write off a lot including a home office.

Older and looking for a date?

Since I have a background of working with seniors I know how lonely they can be. Many times when they would enter into an assisted living residence or even a nursing home their partner had passed away and they didn't have their soulmate.

I had always wished that there was a way for them to meet other seniors and possibly engage a romantic relationship.

Now there's a senior personals online where seniors can meet other seniors and form a relationship. is easy to use and you can build a profile instantly. You can search by location and age.

Life's not over when you hit 70! It's just beginning. That's why I'm glad senior dating is getting the much needed credit that it deserves!

Ready to work!

Well...I've had a pretty exciting past few days. Last week I subbed a few times. Then of course, Sunday I find out I'm pregnant. I've been nursing a cold and some tiredness...but other than that...I'm so happy!

Today Graem's at daycare and I waited to get a subbing call and I only got one this morning for Special Ed. I decided to pass and stay at home and work.

When we get back from San Francisco Graem is going to start going to school three days a week which should allow me to be more consistent.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bad credit blues?

When I was in college I had horrible credit! I didn't realize the importance of paying bills...much less on time! When I moved up to New York I had some debt and of course no job.

Of course, when I entered into my 20's I realized that I better straighten my act up or else I wouldn't be able to get a car or a house!

Thank god I never had to apply for a bad credit credit cards. Margot's dad has a few and the credit card rates are close to 30% interest!

However, even people with bad credit need it and if that means high interest rates that's what you have to do in order to re-establish credit. offers a great website that could help you get back on your feet again.

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A death in the family.

Well, Tuesday Margot went to work and we got the call that she thought Peanut had been run over. Unfortunately, it was our cat and he had been killed by a car on one of the main roads.

We were all pretty sad and I really haven't felt like doing much of anything lately. I'm tired, sad, and really just feel like I don't have energy.

Tomorrow, I'm actually going to be subbing for the middle school and maybe that will help get me into the gear again.

Monday, September 17, 2007

You're not welcome here.

I'm talking about my period.

Obviously, I'm trying to get pregnant and I'd be happy as a clam not to see my period for the next 9 months or so!

When I do get my period it's absolutely horrible. I have horrible PMS and cramping. I should seriously be locked in a cage for a week until it's over.

I might want to try PMS relief in the future. Since I'm going to take a break from trying to have a baby I will be able to take some natural medications to help with PMS symptoms.

At least that won't make getting my period *as bad*.

Couldn't believe it...

When we bought the Honda CRV I made sure to get all of the accessories with the car. I was stupid enough to buy them through the Honda Dealership and actually had them put them on.

Later, I found out that I could have gotten all of the accessories aftermarket and paid about 1/2 of the price!

I'm glad I didn't get the car spoilers because the Honda one actually started rusting on the car.

We were told by the dealer to get the aftermarket one because it was made better than that Honda one.


In our new house...

we're going to do it up pretty nice. I've already decided that in the family room I want to have a great home theatre system, equipped with the best equipment, and even home theater carpet! I've heard that the carpet is suppose to help with the acoustics and make a great home theatre system sound even better.

Of course, we first have to move and then save enough money to get a nice system.

Maybe we'll hit the lottery soon?

Phoenix, Arizona!

My friend, Jen, just got back from Phoenix. She had to go for a business trip and she said she absolutely loved it. I'm just waiting for the day that Jen just decides to move to one of her visited places. I'm guessing it would probably happen during the winter when it's cold and miserable in upstate New York!

She mentioned a beautiful development desert ridge homes which is situated right in Phoenix. The houses are beautiful and she couldn't believe how they are situated.

The real estate in Phoenix is really hot too. You can checkout's website and get an idea of the different real estate options available. It seems like a new place for young professionals. Plus, you can't go wrong with all of that sun!

I'm from Texas and I can attest how much I miss those sunny days and even the nice sunburns that I had to nurse on a weekly basis -- IN DECEMBER!

Back to the grind..

Well, we've hired a friend to come and watch Grammy today. We've decided to pay her the same amount as we would daycare. She's unemployed and looking for work and we really need her to help us out so it works for both of us.

Of course, the good thing is that it gives me time to catch up on work and it's good for Graem too because it means she doesn't have to watch Backyardigans and Maisy all day long!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

We're moving.

Not really, of course...but we can still talk about it.

Last night our basement had water in it and I swore we were going to call the real estate agent today and put the house on the market. I guess I'm too lazy.

Maybe we should consider Real estate short sales - northern california. I love the weather in California and we'll be there in October to check out the ASLA conference....

This post sponsored by: Northern California Real Estate Investing


I'm friggin' horrible. I've been on bedrest and I was way too depressed to put any hours in last week. I should seriously try to be more consistent about all of this.

I just feel right now my life is such a rollercoaster ride and I have to focus first on Graem, then myself, and then trying to get pregnant.

Maybe next week will be better.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Graduation!

When I was in high school and about to graduate we sent graduation announcements to everyone. In part I think it was because my parents didn't know if I was going to graduate or not and was happy to see it finally happen!

We went through the school's company that helps sponsor graduation but they were so expensive!

Now with the internet you can actually buy graduation announcements online and get a pretty good deal.

I love going...

bedroom furniture shopping! We went years without having bedroom furniture. We had moved the same particle board furniture from apartment to apartment and it was in pretty bad shape by the time we moved into our house.

It wasn't until a year ago that we finally broke down and bought some nice furniture! I like the style and it's black which matches the decor in the bedroom. Plus, it's lasted pretty good and the price was perfect!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Do you need a tutor?

When I was a kid I did pretty good in school. However, there was a time in high school where my parents hired a local kid to tutor me in Spanish. It was just one of those things that I couldn't understand.

If you're looking for an Innovative Tutor - look no further. Score Learning Centers offer great tutors for kids 4-14.

This post sponsored by: Score Learning Centers

To work or not to work on the weekends?

Lately, I must say that I've been somewhat laxed about posting and putting in a few hours on the weekend. I know that it would help financially but I also feel like if I start working then it ends up taking hours and then I end up spending half of my day on the internet and computer.

I know there's probably a happy medium and right now I feel that I should probably just do work when Graem is taking her nap.

Hmm..I've got to get her back on a weekend nap schedule!!


No, not that type of tudor..I'm thinking about Reading Tutors for our little girl, Graem!

She's going to be three in December and I know that at some point we're going to have to get into a more educational environment.

When she turns 4 she'll be able to go to a Score Learning Center and receive great education help...but until then I think I'm going to keep trying to get her into the local montessori school.

This post sponsored by: Score Learning Center

Office is open!

I'm having my office hours now and I've been here for about an hour. I had a nice lunch with my friend Jen and it was great to meet up again. It's been a while since we've hung out and a lot has gone on over the past month.

Even though I've just been here for an hour I've actually been able to get quite a bit of work done. It's amazing what can happen when you don't have a two year old begging for milk every ten minutes.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Good stuff.

I must say that I constantly have my eyes opening for blogs that cover just a little bit of everything and aren't your typical or I think I've found just that with the newest Business Blog -

The articles are articulate and well written. Not to mention, they seem to cover politics, business, and the economy. Those are three things that are very tricky to cover - yet the author does a great job.

If you're looking for a good Political Blog that keeps it've got to check it out!

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Well it looks like with all of these appointments that I've pretty much overplanned my afternoon tomorrow. Yikes.

These doctor's appointments take half of my day and then I'm meeting with my friend Jen for lunch tomorrow afternoon.

It seems like this week has just flown by and I know that next week will too since I'll be in limbo land with my egg retrieval!

Go Cowboys!

Okay, I admit it...I was born and raised in Houston, Texas and every Thanksgiving I remember seeing the Dallas Cowboys on television because my Uncle Brian was obsessed!

They had a horrible team growing up and literally did so bad that you couldn't give Dallas Cowboys tickets away!

Now of course, it's a little bit different and Cowboy's tickets are pretty hard to come by unless you want to sit in the nosebleed sections!

That's why I like to go through a vendor that has some of the best seats around -

Their website is easy to use and they have some awesome seats! I've always had the philosophy that if you can't sit close to the action you might as well just watch it on television!

Get thin.

I've tried just about every diet and the most recent was with the help of my "Fat Pills" - Xenical and Phentarmine that were prescribed by my doctor.

I lost a good 75 pounds but ended up gaining about 20 pounds back from the most recent infertility treatments.

If this last attempt to get pregnant doesn't work I'm really going to look into getting weight loss surgery. offers some great information for people who are interested in getting the lap surgery and you can even find a surgeon in your area and enroll in a free seminar too.

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but I actually have some time to get some work done while Graem sleeps on the couch! I'm hoping that she'll be gone for at least a couple of hours so that I can get done all of the blogging and computer work that I have to do.

Why do I procrastinate again?

Holy shit I have a lot to do and I know that Graem is going to wake up any time.

Of course, I still have to upload 1 1/2 years worth of photos to too!

I wanna see Mickey too!

I was just talking to a friend the other day about how I can't wait to take Graem on a Disney vacation! We were thinking of doing it later and when she was older but the reality is I think she would love to go now.

She's just starting to get into the whole princess thing and she loves the rides! Just a few weeks ago we went to the local fair and she had such a good time on the kiddie rides. I was shocked and thought she might have been a little bit more reserved!

I'm always on the lookout for a good deal and if we're thinking about going to Orlando I should probably keep my eyes open for Disney World Tickets!

The last time we went we had some comp tickets that Margot's aunt and uncle gave us so we didn't have to pay for them. offers some great ideas for entertainment and you can also get some great deals through the website!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I love my coupons!

Just the other day I used a few coupons from

I ended up purchasing a new water filter for our refridgerator and was able to find a great Labor Day code! I got the $39.00 water filter for $32.00 and that was minus tax and included delivery!

I was also able to use the Target coupon and get 10% off of the order. Graem's carseat would have been close to 4$290 - but with the coupon at least it soaked up the cost of tax and I got free shipping too!

I was wondering just the other day what we used to do prior to internet shopping and coupons. This holiday I plan on doing all of my shopping online and using the great coupons on to help me save money!

Gotta go...I just found some great Gap Coupons that are calling my name!

So much for a day off!

I've wanted to kill Margot lately because when she wakes up Graem wakes up with her. UGH! It makes me want to scream because typically Graem has stayed in bed with me and we've been able to sleep in.

Thank God this morning Margot dropped Graem off at daycare and I've been trying to get things together around the house. I finished cleaning and now I'm trying to do laundry, blog, and also I have to make a run to the store to pick up Gatorade and also to pick up meds, and drop off the video.

This afternoon I plan on uploading all of our pictures to SnapFish! That is going to be crazy since we have TONS that we need to get printed. I'm not looking forward to the cost of the prints either.

A get away?

We're going to Margot's conference in San Francisco in October but other than that we don't have any plans for vacation.

We talked the other day about really making it a priority each year to have a family vacation. Margot works so hard and I know she likes to get away and enjoy herself.

We've even talked about doing a little camping too! Big Bear Vacation rentals offer great places that are fully equipped with the luxuries of home!

Even though I'm not a camping person I think I could probably be *alright* in one of these nice cabins or villas.

Of course, I'd be even better with Palm Springs Vacation homes! I love the sun and the beach and it'd be great if we can find a place right on the beach to relax and have fun.

Destin Vacation Rentals are also looking pretty good about now!

The whole idea is to get away from upstate New York when we're buried in snow around January or February and go someplace sunny and beachy!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Venture Capital, Venture Capital Database

A lot of investors these days are looking to take their money out of the stock market and invest it in many different ways.

In fact, I think VentureDeal Venture Capital Database has a lot of great companies and start up ventures that just need the extra revenue to get off of the ground.

I have a friend who invests in venture capital and he's had some losses but overall he does really good and just a few weeks ago he bought a big house on the lake! offers an easy to use website that anyone can understand and navigate through.

If you're looking to invest money and get out of the up and down stock've got out check out!

I'm bad.

I've been really bad about actually working lately. It's so hard to get back into gear when things are so unstructured. Plus, I've decided that when I have Graem that's our time and I'm not going to do computer or television.

So of course, that means that it's less time for me to get work done.

I've been trying to cram everything I need to do in Wednesdays and Fridays but lately I've been finding myself going to Syracuse for doctor's appointments.

At least tomorrow it's just me and my computer.

Oh yeah...and a dirty house!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

What a great idea.

When our friends L&L got married they did things a little different than the typical bride and bride. In fact, it was nice to see things changed around a bit!

They gave their bridesmaids and people in their wedding an engraved swiss army knife!

I thought the idea was unique. Plus, it was something that people could use indefinately.

I've recently come across this great website that has some awesome offers on gift ideas! is an easy to use website and has a full array of great priced items that are sure to send you running for your credit card!

I'm always at a loss for what to get people for Christmas and Birthdays. WIth this website I'll never run out of ideas!

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Just the other day...

I got a call from the hospital. My favorite social worker R called and asked if I was still in business and doing the consulting. She said that a booklet full of service providers had come out and she didn't see my name.

I told her that I wasn't doing the actual companion care but I was doing the case management. She said good and that she would put my number in the booklet and make sure to pass out the information.

I've got to find out how to get in that damn booklet next year.