Well, one thing I've learned from a business aspect is that I never want to do E-bay again!
Their fees are so damn expensive and it's just not worth it. Plus, between non-payers and broken merchandise through the mail services -- it's just a big pain in the ass for $20!!
The Baby Alives were a hit though -- and aside from all of the crap I had to deal with..they were the hottest item of the Christmas year!
I also got my hands on 3 PS3s at Wal-Mart. I put one up on Ebay and it didn't even sale! I think I put it up for $550 and that would have allowed me to break even. I didn't even have one bid! So I returned the 3 back to Wal-Mart for a full refund.
We ended up getting an Elmo TMX for Grammy and boy did she hate it! I looked on Ebay and they were going for less on Ebay than the stores!!!
Unbelieveable how hot and cold these items are! I realize it's all about supply and demand and when items are available at the store then there isn't such a high demand for them on E-Bay --- especially because people have to pay for shipping.
Saturday I got a call from Game Crazy that they had a Wii in stock. I just couldn't bring myself to posting it on Ebay -- even though it probably would have been the best money maker of the season! It's just such a pain in the ass!
Lesson learned --- I will not be doing Ebay next year. Making daily shipments to the postoffice, broken baby dolls, and non-paying customers do not get me in the "Holiday cheer!"