Monday, November 13, 2006

Things I need to do to get more business

I think first and foremost I just need to get out there more and in front of my audience. Last week when G was in daycare I was able to get quite a bit done.

I stopped at a Law Office and dropped off brochures to the paralegal. Her parents were at ALT. The Assisted Living place that I used to work at. We had a very good repoire and then her parents had to move out due to finances. It was nice to see her at a funeral a few months back. When we talked we caught up on how her parents were doing and I also plugged my business. She asked me to drop off brochures since she does wills and also execution of wills and deals with many seniors and their families.

A great referral source!

Then I went to a local nursing home. I met with their admissions coordinator and gave her my brochures. Then we just talked about senior gossip in the community and I caught up on some of the old residents that I had at ALT. She deals with a lot of medicaid and not many private pays. Plus, their nursing home now offers companion services too if a resident needs to go to a doctor's appointment. So they probably wouldn't use me for that service.

The last stop I made was at the local hospital. I only ran into one discharge planner. Someone who looked very familiar but I couldn't place a name to a face. Come to find out, she was someone who we used to bowl with on our Sunday LGBT league. Oh yeah --- maybe I'll get the family hook-up.

It's all about connections -- hopefully, I'll get some business soon!

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