Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The perfect credit card

is, of course, the card that you never have to pay back!

Lately we've been looking at our best option for paying for the $20,000 upcoming infertility procedure that we're doing next!

We thought about using credit cards but we just can't seem to get a good deal.

We might even consider going the route of a credit card balance transfer if we can find a 0% offer.

But we're also looking to finance a large amount of money too. Our credit is good...but it's not that good!

Mint Credit Cards offer a great card with benefits and they lowered their annual APR. Which means that you can get the savings!

This post sponsored by: Mint Credit Card

1 comment:

hotel key card said...

Credit card is especially important if you are in desperate need of money. So many companies and banks to take a month to approve an application for a credit card.