Monday, November 12, 2007

We're starting to get excited!

Tomorrow I'll be 11 weeks pregnant! Who would have actually thought that IVF #5 would have worked! Since we had a miscarriage in December we've been pretty nervous about announcing the pregnancy and also equally paranoid that something could go wrong.

However, just the other day I started looking at baby furniture online! Since Graem didn't use much of her furniture since she slept upstairs the changing table and baby crib are in great shape.

I must say that even in the three years since we purchased her furniture the baby cribs have gotten so much better!

I think once I get to the second trimester in a few more weeks we'll finally be able to sit back a little bit and just enjoy the pregnancy. It's so different the second time around because you have everything and unless this kid pops out a boy...I'm not sure we'll need one thing aside from nursing supplies!

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