Monday, December 17, 2007

Darn appointments.

I've really been trying to work my schedule where when Graem goes to daycare Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday I'm out there subbing. Since blogging has been few and far between I figure I need to work on bringing in extra money that way.

Of course, I can't help it when we have appointments that can't be altered. The midwife appointments are pretty hard to get into and so I basically have to take what they have available. Then of course, I have to schedule bloodwork which seems pretty stupid.

Today I have an appointment at 2:30pm which means that I can't take a job since most schools don't end til 3:00pm!

I'm going to try and schedule the homestudy lady to come out and I might also see if I can get into the chiropractor today.

Might as well get it all out of the way!

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