Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I have a love/hate relationship with scary movies. I used to be alright with them when I was younger and even used to go to the haunted houses located throughout the Houston area! Of course I would pay the ten dollars and run through the houses within thirty seconds screaming like a mad woman.

One of the last scary movies that I watched was an old repeat of "Alien" that was playing on UPN. Even though it was just weird and old....I still got the creeps! I think it has to do with knowing that Margot gets scared of movies too and with both of us scared it's like the blind leading the blind!

At least for that one I didn't have to leave the lights on and after thirty minutes I had forgotten it.

Now Rob Zombie has done it again! August 31st his new rendition of: Halloween the movie will be making it's appearance!

Check out this darn scary preview:

Anything that has kids, monsters, and dead policemen is a note to me that it's way too scary!

Whatever happened to the days when I could watch scary movies, go to haunted houses, and even tell ghost stories in the dark?

Hopefully, I won't pass my scared gene to little Grammy!

Then again, I'm not sure she would be able to appreciate Halloween the movie quite yet!

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