A few years ago our old laptop (the one that Grammy flooded with bottled water) ALWAYS got viruses. Margot blames me for going to dirty websites but I think it's just the nature of the beast when you have a computer. *wink*wink*
At one point it got so bad that we actually had to invest in a Spy Sweeper software. The computer wouldn't start because we had so much spyware and trojan viruses!
At one point you'd start the computer up and it would instantly open up dozens of windows.
Webroot spy sweeper seems to be the best way to kill spyware! Not only does it make your computer run smoother and faster. You have the piece of mind that you're not going to lose something on your computer of importance like documents, pictures, or financial information.
Not only was it easy to use ... but it wasn't too expensive either. It was a heck of a lot cheaper than having to buy a new computer! Now if I oculd just get my new computer up and running without too many profanities flying from my mouth I'll be in good shape!
You think our computer story was bad...you should hear how bad Margot's dad's computer got!! Who knows what he might have been looking at!
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