With that being said I always try to give advice from with business, marketing, and sales background to small business owners, friends, and family who might want to start their own business.
It's not always a cake walk and you don't always have people pounding down your door! In fact, many stay at home mom's that try to start their own business have a really hard time like me balancing home life and work life!
With that being said I hope you check out web awards sponsored by BloggersChoiceAwards.com!
You can go on the website nominate your favorite business blog and mommy blog *HINT*HINT* and everyone on the web votes! Of course, I'd love to be distinguished as "the top" blog in these areas.
But I realize that I'm far from the best and considering that a few of my blogs have only been around for a few months I'm not sure I have enough content and I'm certainly lacking in pictures and documentary
Maybe, I'll aim towards winning the best business blog for next years Bloggers Choice Awards!
Voting is between now and March and the winner will be announced at PostieCon in Florida.
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