Monday, June 25, 2007

I did what?!?

When I worked as a Director of a healthcare agency we were constantly giving 30/60/90 day reviews to our employees. Then we would give an annual appraisal which was typically formulated for some kind of yearly raise.

Some people would walk in and had a pretty good idea at what their review would say. Of course, that's what I'd prefer because it would make my delivery pretty easy!

Then there were the people that were pretty oblivious to their surroundings and had no idea that they weren't performing up to par.

I think a good 360 degree feedback appraisal is one of the best because it allows employers and employees to communicate on all levels.

With they offer some great appraisal programs that will not only help you manage your staff better but will also help with giving good news and bad news!

1 comment:

360 degree feedback said...

The 360 degree feedback is the most successful and influential tool and it is the valuable part of the performance management.360 degree offer some great appraisal programs that will not only help you manage your staff better 360 degree feedback.