Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Need to make a certain amount?

Each month we've budgeted a certain amount of money for us to make in order to live the lifestyle that we currently live. What that means of course is that I must meet a certain quota from my dear partner!

Of course, if I don't meet it...I don't get in trouble or anything. Typically, it just means a few less eat outs!

Now there's a great way to help with making money and budgeting for your future. Vending Machines have been around forever and now there's a new kid on the block called - multivend.

Multivend allows you to set the cost on your vending machine and it actually helps you with the accounting aspect of vending.

It can make having vending machines a lot easier and even fun! is a great website that offers information about vending machines and multivend.

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