Monday, October 29, 2007

Plastic Surgery.

When I was a kid I had plastic surgery done on my ears. They used to stick out and it was quite obvious. So my parents decided to get my ears pinned back. Although, I was young and don't remember the operation very much...I do remember the doctor putting earrings in my ears!

When looking for a plastic surgeon it's important that you choose a place that meets your needs. Also, it's important to ask for references, see pictures, tour the facility, and feel comfortable with the doctor.

Make sure that before you do the surgery there are no questions you have about the procedure or what you are having done. Make sure that you have every confidence in the world that your doctor can perform the surgery.

Recently, the Times has written about UK Plastic Surgery and given MYA Plastic Surgery rave reviews! offers a full service plastic surgery center with trained professional doctors who are equipped to deal with some of the most complicated situations.

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Money in... money out.

It seems like once we actually get a nice savings it is depleted instantly. I'm pretty nervous about the work that we're going to have to get done on our septic. Margot's pretty convinced that they're going to have to come in and rip up half of our yard to install new piping.

I really wanted to save the money so that when the baby comes Margot can take a good 8 week or so and we won't have to worry about money because we'll have saved it all up.

Not to mention, we had talked about getting a place in P-Town since we figure we'll both be out on maternity leave and what better way to spend time than hanging out on the beach!


I can't wait for 24 to start up again. I've read that, our boy, Kiefer has been doing some time for a DUI so taping had to start a little bit later. Right now they are showing some repeats so I know that the season premiere is just around the corner.

I'm always impressed by all of the cool gear that Jack Bauer has when he's in the field.

Some of the 5.11 Tactical gear that he has is so cool and I've always wondered if you can buy it in the stores. Come to find out -- you can! has a full line of tactical gear for police officers and people that want quality items. They have great prices too and only offer the best.

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Got the appointment.

Last week I was playing phone tag with my dentist in order to get in for an appointment. Today I was finally able to get a hold of them and get an appointment.

I figure it's been long enough and I've been putting it off. Over the years the cost of cleanings has gone up to almost $100! OF course, I've tried to be a cheap ass long enough.

I need to just realize that my teeth are pretty damn important and although I take good care of them...they need the TLC of a dentist every 6 months!

A solution?

At this point I'm ready to move. Seriously. Maybe I'll look at condos for sale and we can move to a lower maintenance type of place. At least if we lived in the city we wouldn't have to worry about septics.

Of course, I know that most of the houses in the city and especially Fall Creek have issues with leaky basements.

Ugh. Maybe we should just give our old landlord a call and see if she has any decent, rodent infested apartments that would house two kids, two mamas, a cat, and a dog!


Okay, I have over 2,000 needles and syringes that I really need to get rid of from all of the infertility procedures. Does anyone know where I can properly dispose of these?

I'm going to try and call the health department to see if they have a needle drop off. I don't think they're going to believe how many I have to dispose of though!

A weekend getaway?

We've talked about heading to Toronto a few times. However, when I think about it that doesn't make sense to go from one freezing cold place to another freezing cold place!

If we were smart we would have this all figured out and we would try to head some place sunny - like Florida!

Every year in St. Augustine, Florida they have a great holiday weekend scheduled. This year they are scheduled for the last Saturday in October and November - so October 27th and November 24th.

The weekends are full of some great shopping, fun, and entertainment - not to mention some amazing food. In fact, all of the vendors have a somewhat "open house" where you walk in and food, refreshment, and wine are served.

Of course, there's nothing better that shopping and alcohol to bring in the holiday season.

Margot hates to shop so this might be the one thing to get her off of the couch and into the stores! Not to mention, we could probably get all of our shopping done with one trip.

One thing that I've noticed is that tickets from Syracuse to Florida are a steal and typically you can fly for less than $200 round trip.

If you're looking for fun you might want to check out - Events in St. Augustine!

Stupid subbing.

I must admit that the system used to call subs - sucks. This morning I got a call to sub at 8:45 --- at 8:15!! Now how in the hell would I have been able to take that job? I don't think it would have been possible!

So, I'm just hanging out today doing some housework, making some calls, and I have a "honey do list" that I'm suppose to be working off of too!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The good ole days..

when Margot had a truck! It was so nice when we went out and had to buy something. Most times we never worried about actually having room in the truck because there was always more than enough!

In fact, it was funny because when she had the truck we rented an apartment and never really used it for anything important.

Now that we have a house that actually needs some repairs - we got rid of the truck.

If we were to ever get a truck again we would invest in a truck rack. It just makes sense to have more places to put things. offers a great and easy to use website where you can find just about everything for your truck!

Come to think about it...we'd need a 4 door truck these days and enough room to pack two carseats in.


Down and out...

Today is really the first day that I've felt alright and feel almost like myself. My back is healing nicely with the help of my dear Chiro and the nausea seems to be at least this minute!

Hopefully, I can get some good opps and be able to make up for lost time! God knows, I just spent $150 in diapers the other day and I'm going to need to keep the money coming in!

I want a new bed!

A few years ago we invested in some nice new furniture for our upstairs master bedroom. So far, so good and I love having space to put our clothing. Before we used to try to cram it into the existing K-Mart particle board furniture!

We have nightstands now too which are handy to keep meds, books, and other stuff too.

One thing that we don't have a is a nice bedframe. We decided not to go with the bedframe that went with our original black furniture because we didn't like the style. Not to mention, we just couldn't fit it in our car!

So I've been looking at Oak Beds and other styles that might complement our existing decor. offers some great styles and the prices are pretty reasonable.

I really like this nice style and I think the light wood with our black existing furniture would look really nice.

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A day of work - no kid!

Grammy's at school today and I'm feeling pretty good! Which of course means that I have to do tons of house chores and then I need to make some money!

I got a few subbing calls last night and this morning but since I had a chiropractor appointment I couldn't go to them. I went ahead and scheduled next week appointments on days that I have Graem. I figure she can come along with me to the appointment and on the days she has school I can try to get a subbing job to bring in some extra cash.

Monday, October 22, 2007

I really don't understand...

when companies invest tons into marketing without doing their market research. It's such a waste of money when you're watching a kids show and you see a commercial for a product that caters to seniors!

What were they thinking? Why couldn't they target their audience a little bit better?

I think it's important for any company to target their marketing efforts and in order to do that they really need to know who buys their product and what demographic they need to market to.


Since we've been traveling so much lately I think it's only fitting that we consider getting some new luggage. Since our family is growing and I'm sure we're going to need a bigger suit case I have my eye on a travelpro.

They have bigger suitcases on wheels and I like the fact that they also offer different colors.

I realized what a dumb idea it is to have a black/navy suitcase when I'm trying to locate it on the conveyer belt! I always say "next time I'm going to get a red suitcase."

It just makes sense...

When I worked at the newspaper we constantly had clients that wouldn't pay their bills. Not only was it embarassing for the sales person to go and ask for payment - it seemed to be a bit unprofessional.

I wish the newspaper would have bothered getting a commercial collection agency to do the bad work.

That way when we went around asking for more money they wouldn't remember us bothering them for money!

I think it's important to keep a seperation between church and state and collection and sales!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A day of work!

It's too damn bad that my back is in the crapper now. I literally walk sideways and can barely even sit down. Today I had to throw my panties and jeans on my body because I can't bend over.

Thank God the PT/Chiropractor was able to call this morning and she's going to fit me in tomorrow at 9:00am.

Maybe then I can move a little bit after the appointment.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Got ponz?

I'm not talking about tampons either! I'm talking about my favorite way to save money - Coupons!

I've been trying to get maternity clothes and it's been pretty slim pickings on the department stores. So I've started resorting to going online to buy my clothing.

Just last week I purchased clothing from The Gap and Old Navy. It was great because I was able to hop online and get some amazing coupons that allowed me to say 10% on my order and also got me free shipping!

I've also been looking for some good Zappos coupons because I want to purchase a pair of Keen sandals - but I want to get a killer deal on them!

Of course, maybe I should take advantage of their Dell Coupons and get a new Dell laptop! That way Margot and me don't have to fight everynight on who gets computer time! offers some great coupons and I like how organized the website is. They are easy to find and the codes seem to be valid and not expired like most of the other coupon websites out there!

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Subbing and work.

Well, I must say that subbing has been pretty sporadic lately. I got a few calls this morning but because we had a doctor's appointment I wasn't able to take an assignment.

I plan on working Thursday though and I just hope and pray that the class isn't as bad as the last time that I taught middle school!

I think the trick is not to teach on a Friday and also make sure not to get a "goof off class" and stick with a math, science, or English class!

A little piece of the world series.

Last night when we were at The Pines I couldn't help but watch a little bit of the World Series playoffs. I would love to go to a World Series game and it's always been a dream of mine.

Every time we go to a sporting event whether it's hockey or baseball I always get a bit tearful because I love everything about it. I love crowd, and the fans, and how eager and competitive the players are.

I hope Graem gets the same excitement and love for sports that I have.

Of course, I've just discovered some great memorabilia that could help document the different events that happen in sports history.

I've always been obsessed with baseball and although my team, the Houston Astros, have yet to win the world series --- I still cheer them on every year.

I am glad that I was able to witness on television history in the making when Barry Bonds nailed his 756th homerun! I've also come to appreciate the different types of items that might help me remember the time including this wonderful piece of art:

I love how it is professionally mounted and the pictures and just perfect to capture the moment in history that might never be changed! offers a great website that has just about everything you might want or need to decorate your home and even home theatre room! They have sporting icons and even great pieces from movies too!

Right now they are offering 15% off of their list prices. This would be a great time to purchase that special piece of memorabilia for the holiday season! Not to mention, the website is easy to use and you can place your order within minutes.

Holiday shopping made easy and fun!

Monday, October 15, 2007

I left my heart in Branson!

Every year my grandparents would go to Branson Missouri for a week long vacation and to enjoy the music, productions, and great food. It's a great place to enjoy down-home fun in a southern atmosphere!

They actually used to go with a bus full of seniors from the church. I'm not sure if they were allowed to gamble on that trip or not!

I've heard that Branson is a great place for families and old people alike and there's tons to do there!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Graem's Christmas!

I have most of Graem's christmas gifts because I buy them throughout the year when I see them on sale. Of course, we got her the awesome grocery store Playmobile when she was just a few months old! It was originally 199.99 and I saw it at TJ Maxx for 49.99! Can't go wrong with that.

I remember when I was a little girl I wanted RC cars. My grandfather had them and really loved them as a hobby. You can do so much with them. He actually had cars and the airplane. Of course, I remember him flying the airplane and it constantly falling apart!

I can't wait til Graem gets old enough to want more technology based toys!

Our bathroom.

I have no idea what we're going to do with our bathroom. The lighting is probably our biggest concern. There is a crack in the ceiling and every time it rains we have water coming from the light fixture!

We figure it has something to do with the vent that is located on the top of our roof.

For some reason it must not be sealed well and water gets in and starts leaking in the bathroom.

It's pretty dangerous when you think about it. You can turn on the light and be zapped!

*Must get carpenter out soon to fix problem*

You've got mail.

When we moved into our new house we were shocked to hear that we would have to go to the postoffice to pick up mail.

We later learned that if we put a mailbox outside that all of a sudden we would start getting mail!

We looked locally for the perfect mailbox and had a pretty hard time. The selection for mail boxes was few and far between and we had our choice of two different styles!

Thank God we aren't overly picky and went with the Black Rubbermaid that matched the shutters of our house!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Looking for a deal?

When we were in the process of refinancing we shopped everywhere for the best deal. Little did we realize that the bank that we went through for the original mortgage was going to be able to offer the best refinance deal!

We have a few friends who are Real Estate Agents who always keep us posted on good deals and incentives that are out there.

Another resources is They offer great information about mortgages, refinancing, and can even help you find a real estate agent in your area!

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Puttin' in some time.

Today I'm playing catch up with blogging and housework! I have the kid today and so we'll see what I can actually get done.

Tomorrow I have changed my schedule around in hopes that I get a subbing call - but we'll see. I really haven't seen too many jobs available these days.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Is your family protected?

With a new baby on the way it makes us really reconsider what we should be doing with our life insurance. Since we're living on Margot's income we have to consider what we'd do if for some reason she weren't around.

More than likely I'll need to call up our insurance agent and get another quote to increase our coverage.

I'm also going to look on too. The last time I called State Farm they wanted to double the premium for only $100,000 more coverage.

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Back home!

We've had such a great time in San Fran. We've done the tourist thing and I've walked about 200 miles since I've been here.

Of course, I'm not looking forward to the redeye flight tonight. But I am ready to get back home and sleep in my own bed.

Monday is going to be a heck of a day cause I'm thinking I'll probably be exhausted. Tuesday is Graem's first day back at school and then Wednesday we have our second ultrasound!

Quite the busy week already!

Monday, October 01, 2007

My aching head!

Since I started using the medications for infertility I have had the worst headaches. They are pretty constant and I'm guessing it's because of all of the hormones and estrogen running through my body.

I've had friends that have had migraines and never understood the urgency and pain.

I just heard the other day that doctors are using Botox for headaches!

I wonder if you can get rid of your headaches and your wrinkles all in one session?

That might not be too bad!