Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The word of the day is...


After the market crashed a few months ago we have been looking for something new to invest our wealth into. We've looked at international markets and they're really unstable.

At this point I'm ready to buy gold coins. The one thing about gold, silver, and other precious metals is that year after year they offer a consistent investment.

Not to mention, their demand always higher than the supply. Obviously, by using basic laws of economics you can see that this might be a good idea for the future!

US Gold Bureau is an industry leader with gold, silver, and precious metals. You can buy the metals in many different types of ways and even store them through the provider.

This is a noteworthy investment and a great way to diversify your portfolio. Especially during these unstable market times!


seems to be a work night. Right now Margot's on the floor doing work and I'm working on the computer doing blogging. Typically, I have reports that I'm doing for work and I try to do most of it in the evening because I really can't count on Emmy taking her nap and me having that time to do my daily reports.

I need more time.


An assistant.

Work, work, and more work.

Tomorrow's quite the day. Cardiologist, work, school meeting, work, Emmy's meeting, pick kids up, work.


I need another vacation.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Maybe there's another route in my life...

instead of pursuing real estate I should head to cosmetology school in Phoenix!

My grandmother and great aunts and uncles live in Phoenix and I can honestly say there's not too much going on. So that's why I am thinking about going for a visit and checking out the new Beauty school at Regency Beauty! Regency Beauty specializes in top-notch cosmetology teaching and has catered to some of the most famous in the business.

I am not so sure that I am fit for doing beauty and maybe I should just plan on staying in Ithaca and doing the real estate gig after all.

Then again...a good manicure and pedicures sounds good about now!

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051

The school tour.

Next week we are going to visit Graem and Emmy's elementary school. I called today and spoke with the administrative assitant. She was really nice and we are going to meet with the principal and also visit the pre-k room and 1st grade room.

It should be interesting and I hope that the tour goes good because I would love for the kids to be able to go to the local school where I can walk them there and pick them up after school is over.

No more bus.

It's official. We've stopped using the bus for Graem. She was on the bus for more than an hour each way. That's two hours on the bus a day for a five year old little girl.

Way too much.

So now it means that I lose an hour of work a day because I have to pick up Graem. Most days it's fine. However, when work picks up it gets a little bit harder.

More gold, please!

That's why I think it's time to buy gold bullion!

After the market crashed a few months ago we have been looking for something new to invest our wealth into. We've looked at international markets and they're really unstable.

At this point I'm ready to buy gold bullion. The one thing about gold, silver, and other precious metals is that year after year they offer a consistent investment.

Not to mention, their demand always higher than the supply. Obviously, by using basic laws of economics you can see that this might be a good idea for the future!

The United States Gold Bureau is an industry leader with gold, silver, and precious metals. You can buy the metals in many different types of ways and even store them through the provider.

This is a noteworthy investment and a great way to diversify your portfolio. Especially during these unstable market times!


It's 8:25pm and I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm exhausted. Between Margot's snoring at night, my arm hurting, and being on my period and having to pee every 4 hours I have been getting absolutely HORRIBLE sleep.

Maybe I should just call it a night and go to the bathroom and get my Nyquil shots! Really, it's a last course of action but it sure does help me catch up on alssp and the next day I wake up feeling so great and rested!


Too much. Too little.

I swear this week I haven't had much work at all. I know business is really slow and to some extent I don't mind. I think Graem might be coming down with a cold so it's really not so bad that I might not have work Friday.

Tomorrow I have to help a friend out and then I have two jobs. Then it starts all over again and I have late night reports.

Then nothing.

Until next week.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The other day I was at a friend’s house and he told me about how they had used a certain radiant floor heating and it caused damage to the house and the whole renovation that they did had to be ripped up and redone.

Fortunate for him he was able to join a class action lawsuit and get money for damages.

I think many times things happen that are unfortunate and people ignore or don’t hold companies responsible for their actions and incompetence. I read up on the Accutane Lawsuit and there are so many individuals who have been directly influenced by this medication.

In fact, when I was in high school I had a dear friend who was on this medication and within just a few months (over the summer) I got a call that he was in the hospital with liver cancer.

He was 16 and died.

It was life changing and I’ll never forget seeing him in the hospital hooked up to tubes and dark orange in color.

I certainly hope that others have learned from this situation and that the pharmaceutical companies have been held responsible.



Second post that blogger ate. Completely.

Just writing about my work and how I'll work from 9 to 2 and then go to Panera and do my reports.


I can't stop watching the CHilean miner's rescue on television.

I started watching it at the mall when we were eating Thai food and now I can't step away from the television because I'm scared I'm going to miss something.

This happened last time when the hurricanes hit. Eek.