Saturday, December 27, 2008


When the kids get bigger I realize that I'm going to have to return back to the work force.

Of course, I haven't really thought about what I might want to do. I know that I'm pretty burned out on healthcare and I'm not sure that I'd want to return.

Maybe I'll look at a sales job search and see if there's anything in my local area.

I did awesome at sales and marketing and really enjoyed it. PLUS it was a great way for me to make good money and have a somewhat flexible schedule.

Just the other day...

I was talking to a friend at a party about the local economy.

The previous year I had told her about how I was doing tons of blogging and how it was bringing in some decent money.

She worked in marketing at Cornell and seemed interested in what I was doing.

Another person who was listening asked more about blogging. Supposedly her department at Cornell is downsizing and outsourcing her IT department to another department off-campus.

Seems like in a year a lot has happened and I hope that a year from now this will all be over and the economy will be back to "normal".

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I ate too much.

That's been an all-too-familiar phrase these past few months. I love my food though and when I find something I love...I overconsume.

That's why I should probably alter my eating habits, do some light movement, and consider weight loss products!!

I'm still nursing and so the weight loss products would have to be nursing friendly or all natural.

Sexy bathing suit -- here I come!

Busy Santa.

Yesterday was so busy.

I cleaned the house, did laundry, and made sure that everything was ready to go. Not to mention both kids are at home!

Tonight is going to be even busier!!! The house is already a shithole again and so I have to clean it and then I'd like to put the kids down for a nap since we went to bed so late last night.

Then later tonight...we really have our work cut out for us. Bunk bed hell.

I'm sure there will be profanities!!

Show me the teeth!

I'm a grinder.

I admit it. Every night before I go to bed I have to put in my night guard or else I spend all night grinding my teeth.

Over the years and pre-mouth guard days I used to wake up with a sore jaw. Plus, I have the signs of a grinder - jagged teeth.

Margot's already told me that we don't have money in the budget for more teeth.

But I've been looking around and Washington DC dental implants has some pretty reasonable rates!


Last night we went to Christine and Amy's seven fish dinner.

I ate way too much and could barely move. At one point I thought that I was going to pop or throw up. Thank God neither happened.

Last night when we got home I nursed Emmy and we both slept SO GOOD.

Of course, that was midnight and I'm pretty sure after being overstimulated her brain just needed 8 hours of relaxation!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I've got to move it, move it.

I'm going to start my weight loss program in just a few more weeks. I figure I should just enjoy the holidays and then it's exercise and diet for me!

Of course, I could just try Hydroxycut and call it a day. I know that medications work great for me and if one little pill can help out... I'm all for it!

This week's schedule...

Well it looks like I have another busy week!

Today we listed our house with a real estate agent and so I'm sure I'll be busting my ass to get the house ready for showings and then dropping off the dog. Ugh.

Monday - Books, Babies, and Bouncing at the library
Tuesday - Playgroup at Deb's/ Cardiologist Appt

I'm exhausted and going for a nap now.


I'm all about comfort these days.

In fact, most of my shoes are slipons and I have even started wearing softpants. EEk.

I have my eye on some Dansko professional clogs this holiday season. They're easy to put on and they're so durable and comfortable.

Years ago I had a brown pair of Dankos and I wore them every day! After a year of straight wear the heels got weird and I had to throw them out.

If Santa's looking at this post --- Hook me up with some new Danskos!

I've been thinking...

that maybe what I'll decide to do while the kids are young is real estate!

We met with our agent today and signed paperwork.

I think I would love to meet with potential buyers and show them houses. Then the fun begins with purchase offers, negotiations, and closing.

Of course, with this economy it'd always be nice to have a steady income like Margot's!

However, it's nice to know that we could live on just one income...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

We were just looking...

online for wedding and engagement rings.

Years ago Margot lost her ring and I decided to wear mine so that it didn't look like I was a single mother!

I've told Margot that the one thing that I want for Christmas is matching rings. I figure I'll look online and I might even take a trip to the mall.

I'm selling these