Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Send me an angel, right now.

We are constantly looking for ways to give back to our community. At one point we were donating money to the human rights campaign. We have even been known to work at the occassional soup kitchen.

Now there's a new non-for-profit out there that is looking to accept cars, boats, and houses for donation. Boat Angel allows you to give your used or unused boat for donation.

BoatAngel will actually make arrangements to pick up your boat and leave you with a receipt that you can use for a tax deduction come tax time.

A few years ago we actually had a boat that was just sitting under our car port. The boat was working and it just came down to us not having time each summer to fix it up, get tags, and take it into the water. Plus, when the baby was born we really didn't have the time!

Had we known about the boat angel outreach center we would have donated our boat for a worthy cause.

BoatAngel actually uses the sell of boats, houses, and cars to support their efforts to educate children and also help with prison reform. They have also been known to give prisoners and addicts the skills that they need to be successful community members once released into the community.

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